Saturday, June 25, 2011

Best Friends

Title : Best Friends
Author : Jacqueline Wilson

Synopsis : Behind the book

Gemma and Alice has been best friends since they both were born on the same day in the same hospital. It's doesn't matter that Gemma loves soccer while Alice prefers drawing, or that Gemma is always getting into trouble while Alice is a model student and a daughter. But when Alice has to move, their friendship is put to test. They call each other and write the letters, but they're used to seeing each other every day. Can Gemma bear to celebrate her birthday without Alice? Can she stand it when Alice making new friends? And with Alice living hundreds of miles away, will they see each other again?

This is my favourite book. Serious aku suka buku ni. Walaupun buku ni untuk budak2 tapi aku suka value of friendship tu. Bukan senang nak cari kawan yang betul2 sayang kita, concern pasal kita, yang sekepala ngan kita, yang selalu ader dengan kita. Macam Alice ngan Gemma gituuee,,haha. Even Alice dah ader kawan baru, Gemma is still Alice best friend forever and ever. Sweet kan.

Memandangkan tajuk pasal bestfriend, i just want to say thank you to my best friends. You stick with me through thick and thin. THANKS :):)

Till then, toodles :)

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