Friday, February 3, 2012

Not to late :P

Assamualaikum, wonder pets sekalian :D

Well2, in just few weeks I will set my tiny little feet on Melaka! Urrgghh! I wished for a longer holiday( ooiit, kalau macam tue tak payah belajar laa). Hikhikhik. I shall say, lepas satu sem aku kat Utem tu, the feeling was good. I soon realised there are many kind of people. Some are super cool, some are just ok, some are just tunggu aku punya penampar. Tapi aku tak nak la buat aksi gaduh2 tarik rambut jatuh dalam kolam. Kakakakakaka!

Hmm, any good memories? Well, mestila! Banyak kot. Kalau aku tulis panjang nanti kau benci nak baca. Hakhakhak. :D. So, ni aku da shortlistkan. The nominee are.....jeng jeng jeng....

1. Rugby match
Clap-clap everybody. Yeahhhhh! Whenever people ask me about my precious memory I will straight away say this, tanpa teragak-agak. Why? Yelah, aku bukannya wanita yang suka bersukan. Aku sangat malas nak bersukan. Ibarat badak sumbu yang kekenyangan. Macam itu la aku. So, this rugby match memang pencapaian terbesar untuk wanita seperti aku. Kakaakka!

2. Amalan pembuatan
Hehehe, skema kan. Nak buat macam mano. In english we called this engineering practice. Aku memang suke kalau ader lab, sebab ramai jejaka idaman tolong aku siapkan project.(terima kasih you all :D)HOHOHO. This is actually my first time handling all those gigantic machine, heavy tool, and dealing with some sort of fire. Hehehhe. Tipu jelaa..mane ader.

3. Usrah
Yup! First time aku join usrah. Memang mula2 aku macam peghrak. Serious! Aku tak tau mcam mane nak handle penerimaan tu mula2. Seeing all those sweet girls yang sgt menjaga aurat, sangat manis tutur katanya, membuatkan aku sedar dari lamunan( oooiitt, tak payah nak bermadah helah sangat laaa). Girl should act like a girl. Hehehe. I know Awatif Fatihah and Zamir Aliff, will laughing their chair off reading this. Hahahaha

4. :D, girl is always a girl
Awww, memangla aku ni nampak kasar. Tapi aku ader hati dan pherashaan (ppppuuiii). Aku aderla macam usha2 mamat botak nie. Hehehe. Oh, memang tak sangka la bler dier tolong aku buat project.....aaiish, terbang ke awang-awangan aku. HO`OH. Oh, merah padam aku biler ingat kejadian ituuuwww. hehhehe.

5. My girlfriendsss
Be prepared to cry. isk isk. This tiny little place called Bunga Raya is a place where I learned about love. I got such wonderful sisters that stick through thick and thin. They cared about me, hear my stories, laugh crazily with me. Ooooh, this is all very sweet. I realised the beauty of friendships, the value of is such a wonderful feeling.

One most important thing that hit me on my forehead is patience. Yes, sabar. Aku ni memang kurang sabar sikit la kan. Suke je nak menyinga. Hehehe. Nak tuntut ilmu kene sabar( bak kata mummy). Sebab tu bukan senang nak berjaya. Yeah, I know it is damn hard but I get through it. Insya'allah! :D

p/s : mamat botak tersebut sudah mempunyai awek. Semakin aku teliti wajahnya..semakin aku nampak shin chan di situ. Hehehehe

till then, toodles. :D

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