Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kitchen helper

Assamualaikum, brothers and sisters

Pembantu dapur? Yesss! I been a kitchen helper almost 10 years ( padahal kat rumah je pun). Some of you might be talking to yourself " kitchen helper?" or maybe "asal pembantu dapur weey". Hahahaha. It is just an experience to share. That all. I remember 10 years ago, i'm helping my mom arrange choc chips in a transparent jar. The following year, i helped to monitor the oven, arrange the choc chip, become a food taster ( it is a must, even ibu tak suruh pun). Hahaha. Some of you might said, alah keje senang la weeyy. But, actually isn't! It takes a lots patient, courage, hardship, commitment, not to mention cursing ( hehehe....act, terkeluar secara tak sengaja.. :D).

There are situations when :

a) Cookies yang kau bakar tu hangus semua. Why? Sebab aku tekan butang grill la weeeyy. Kakaka. Or aku tak alert! Biasela dah syok tgk tv...

b) Mummy beli oven baru then kene experimenting. Hurrrghhh. Gile penat weey. I means you have to bake the same cookies over and over again just to make sure it crunchness. Masa ini memang banyakla perkataan tak sepatutnya keluar... (hehhee, maaf!). Conclusion, oven baru ngan cookies tak serasi.

c) Cookies cerewet. Perrgh, kalau oven da bunyi loceng, jangan harapla kau boleh ukir senyuman di bibir, bahagia! Jangan harap! Itu maknanya cookies kau hangus. Kau kene angkat sebelum bunyi loceng. Macam nak patah lutut, terjuling mata tgk oven tuee jahhh!

d) Oleh kerana terlalu banyak sangat buat cookies, sebulan lepas tu tulang dada terkeluar. Hehehe.

Nak start business choc chips, bukan senang. First kau kene ader modal. Then, kau kena bagi 100% commitment. Pastu kerja kene perfect. Bukan cincai macam cincau. Kau nak satisfied kan customer at the same time kau jugak nak loyal customer. There is a different between satisfied customer and loyal customer. Nak aku explain ke? Ok, aku malas. Sorry.hehehe. Satisfied customer come and go macam touch and go. Loyal customer macam pencinte yang setia, tak kirala kau kene kau penat nak buat choc chipss, dier nak jugak!..hehe..macam tu la lebih kurang.

Till then, toodles :)

p/s : entry ni agak panjang...hehehe.....setiap kali ramadan bermulala tugas aku sebagai kitchen helper. Selamat beramal untuk sepuluh malam terakhir. :)

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