Assamualaikum yoo peeps,
2 years without any updates. Wow. *Time flies fast*. Yeah, I been real busy these days. I mean the past two years. Assignment, project, assignment, project. *cries*. Ok, stop whinning and just enjoy. Anyways, the tittle had nothing to do with these entry. It just a title. That all.
Almost 2 in the morning, and I have been thinking about this statement "Everyting happened for a reasons". Cliche. Tapi tu la hakikatnya. Memang semua yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. Either u choose to see it or blind yourself from the truth. I just going to find out more about this statement to make sure I'm fully understand. Supaya, aku benar2 tidak merungut dan tidak mempersoalkan kerana aturan ALLAH itu cukup cantik.
p/s : Sekadar untuk mengisi kekosongan 2 tahun. Berhabuk da blog ni.